assassin snail, clea helena, aquarium snail
How do I deal with aquarium snails?

Nathan Hill •

Aquarium snails are considered a pest by some and a pal by others. Spotting snails in your aquarium may not cause any issue at first, but that novelty may quickly wears off and disrupt the eco-system - and when the numbers get out of hand, you’ll need to intervene.

What fish can I keep with Firemouths?

Neale Monks advises one of our readers on the best way to get moderately aggressive cichlids to tolerate tankmates...

Can I mature a new filter quickly?

Luckily, yes! The simplest way is to add things from a mature aquarium - as Neale Monks explains...

diseased pond fish, koi carp with ulcer disease
How to Identify and Treat Common Pond Diseases

Nathan Hill •

What types of disease can affect the everyday garden pond? We take a look at the common maladies that can make outdoor aquatics a nightmare.

How do I look after my aquarium while on holiday?

Nathan Hill •

Is it possible to take a holiday when you're an aquarium owner? It is if you prepare ahead of time.

How often should I clean my aquarium filter?

Practical Fishkeeping •

When it comes to aquaria, filtration is usually the most essential life support system there is. So how is it cleaned and how often?

diseased pond fish, koi carp with ulcer disease
How to Identify and Treat Common Pond Diseases

Nathan Hill •

What types of disease can affect the everyday garden pond? We take a look at the common maladies that can make outdoor aquatics a nightmare.

How do I look after my aquarium while on holiday?

Nathan Hill •

Is it possible to take a holiday when you're an aquarium owner? It is if you prepare ahead of time.

Dr Matthew Bond of OATA presenting at the CITES marine fish workshop
CITES Marine Fish Workshop opens in Australia

Practical Fishkeeping •

The global ornamental aquatics industry unites at Australian workshop to push for conservation of marine species.